Why creating “forgiving” roadsides?

All over the world, people get injured by driving into road infrastructure. It doesn’t have to be that way…

In case of a collision a column barely moves, which causes the vehicle to be stopped so abruptly and in such a short distance, that a negative impact on the human body cannot be avoided.

The passive safe column ZIPpole saves lives. In case of an impact, the strong conical shape changes into a soft ribbon. While the pole yields the speed of the vehicle gets slowed down accordingly.

ZIPpoles are the safest energy absorbing columns, impact absorbing poles, CE marked according EN40, EN12899 and EN12767.

Live crash into a ZIPpole on the national news

Touring is the Belgian automobile club taking care of roadusers. Improving traffic safety is not only educating drivers and designing safe cars but also creating safe roads and “forgiving” roadsides.

Danny Smagghe: Touring
Koen Maes: Crash pilot and son of Albert Maes, the director of Safety Product