
Scientific research out on the influence of HE or High Energy absorbing poles according to EN12767 in run-off-road crash severity in Belgium!

We know our ZIPpoles are saving lives. We’re receiving many pictures and reports of real life accidents.
However, no scientific study has yet explored the effect of passive safe poles on ROR crashes in Belgium.

In 2021, LNEC and VIAS started developing a study to investigate the influence of High Energy absorbing passive safe poles in run-off-road crash severity in Belgium. Safety Product nv has funded the research.

The report is now out, July 2023.

Findings from this study provide evidence that High Energy absorbing passive safe poles (CEN 12767 HE compliant) contribute towards minor injuries. The study also indicates the importance of protecting errant vehicles from traditional poles, as these are linked to severe injuries.

Download the full report